Fusion power density demonstrated

…hydrocarbons.  The recent JET fusion experiment achieved density 10,000,000 times coal  with deuterium-tritium fuel.  Note: *CANDU is a pressurized heavy water reactor.  Sources of data:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_density and https://euro-fusion.org/eurofusion-news/dte3record/.  Figure prepared…

News coverage about surprising Jersey Shore fish spotted w eDNA

…https://globedia.com/detectan-migraciones-especies-marinas-gracias-adn-medioambiental Revista Planeta, Brazil  Arraia típica do Brasil está chegando perto da costa de Nova York https://www.revistaplaneta.com.br/arraia-tipica-do-brasil-esta-chegando-perto-da-costa-de-nova-york/ DIVE Magazine, UK DNA Traces Prove To Be Useful Tool in Understanding Fish…

DNA Barcoding of botanical products

Stimulated by a new article by our Guelph colleagues, the New York Times Tuesday 5 November ran a long article article about application of DNA barcoding to botanical products, and…

Tommy Gold, 1920-2004

…revolution. The 14 September New York Times reports a new PNAS article providing strong evidence for Tommy’s view. A memorial service is planned for Tommy in Ithaca on 13 October….

Goobye and Good Luck: It can happen here

New York Times for attacking McCarthy in a sermon entitled “It can happen here” in July 1953, more than 3 months before Murrow aired his first show on CBS TV….

History of Marine Animal Populations honors

…of Life in Oceans Past.” The news release and work presented at the conference attracted worldwide press coverage, including in the New York Times, Economist, and Spanish EFE wire service….