Dinochelus ausubeli

Shane T. Ahyong (Australian Museum), Tin-Yam Chan (National Taiwan Ocean University), and Philippe Bouchet (Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris) have honored Jesse by naming a magnificent newly discovered lobster the…

Kingdom of the Oceans

…15 December 2012 in the UK as “Kingdom of the Oceans” on the National Geographic Channel. See https://natgeotv.com/uk/kingdom-of-the-oceans The show will air in the US on the Nat Geo Wild…

Recognizing Terry Collins and Dale Langford

…of Jesse’s since the 1985 National Academy of Engineering Program Report. Dale edited many reports and books of the National Academies, many papers and reports of the Program for the…

Science magazine, “Temperate Forests Gain Ground”

We have posted an article that appeared today in Science magazine, “Temperate Forests Gain Ground”, that discusses the paper “Searching for Leverage to Conserve Forests: The Industrial Ecology of Wood…

Sloan Digital Archive

…its collections of the September 11 Digital Archive. For the press release about the accession visit https://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2003/03-142.html , while the Symposium program and eventually its webcast are at https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/911symposium/ ….

DNA Barcode In New York Times

Today’s New York Times Science Times section has an article A Species in a Second: Promise of DNA ‘Bar Codes’ with a good history of the DNA Barcode project and

CoML Press Release

The Census of Marine Life issued today a press release, largely prepared by Jesse, about its highlights for 2005. 2005 has been a great year for the CoML….