Antarctic CoML in the NYT

The New York Times recognizes the work of the Antarctic team of the Census of Marine Life in an editorial today. Jesse had the privilege with the CoML Scientific Steering…

DNA Barcode In New York Times

Today’s New York Times Science Times section has an article A Species in a Second: Promise of DNA ‘Bar Codes’ with a good history of the DNA Barcode project and…

CoML Press Release

The Census of Marine Life issued today a press release, largely prepared by Jesse, about its highlights for 2005. 2005 has been a great year for the CoML….

Breakthrough Institute prize

…made a major contribution to realizing a future where all the world’s inhabitants can enjoy secure, free, prosperous, and fulfilling lives on an ecologically vibrant planet.” Jesse was chosen “in…

Gizmodo on populations

…a simple question to a handful of relevant experts. This week’s question is: Is the world overpopulated? Jesse Ausubel draws on our carrying capacity work to offer an answer:…