Encyclopedia of Life September 2011

On 5 September Version 2 of the Encyclopedia of Life [www.eol.org] became available. A press release describes some of the new features, which include easy ways to build communities and…

Switch article in MV Gazette

At the new Martha’s Vineyard Film Center, Jesse hosted a well-attended viewing of the energy documentary Switch https://www.switchenergyproject.com on which he advised the film team of Scott Tinker and Harry…

Cosmos Prize photos

…Prize web page now has excellent photos and other material about the award of the 2011 prize to the Scientific Steering Committee of the Census of Marine Life. See: https://www.expo-cosmos.or.jp/album_e.html…

Tom Malone

…which Jesse was the scribe. In 1984 Jesse portrayed Tom in a poem, “Tom Malone here.” For a summary of Tom’s many important roles, see https://www.journals.elsevier.com/environmental-development/news/in-memoriam-thomas-f-malone/ Tom’s tutelage in international…

TreeParser paper published

…Their work appears today in Nature Publishing Group’s open access journal Scientific Reports https://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130911/srep02635/full/srep02635.html The resulting Klee diagrams are both beautiful and scientifically informative. In the figure below, bird and…

Garrison & Levinson transport book

…good works, the U MN group maintains a useful page about the Kepler of transportation science, the late Yacov Zahavi:Â https://www.surveyarchive.org/zahavi.html Zahavi had a tremendous, lasting influence on the thinking…

Making Nature Useless

…Nature Useless: Relative Dematerialization & Absolute Peaks. We also post Jesse’s brief (3-page) prepared remarks, On Useless Nature, subsequently published in RealClearScience (18 Sept 2015). Some coverage at https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/can-humans-and-nature-co-exist/ https://reason.com/archives/2014/11/10/making-nature-useless…