Energy and Climate

…of their conditions of evolution.   Like computers, to grow larger, the energy system must now shrink in size and cost.  The successful decarbonization of the energy system, the key to the alleviation…


…Aquatic environmental DNA (eDNA). Analyzing “naked DNA” in water samples can reveal what animals are nearby. Aquatic eDNA offers low-cost, minimally invasive technology to complement traditional surveys, including in difficult…

Daedalus, Summer 1996

…environment–though often at considerable cost to the environment. Is it now possible that trends in science and technology might actually help to liberate the environment from us? “The Liberation of…

Maglevs and the Vision of St. Hubert [PDF]

JH Ausubel. Challenges of a Changing Earth 175–182 2002 (Proceedings of the Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10-13 July 2001)

…Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2000, Rome. Figure 4. Reversal in area of land used to feed a person. After gradually…

Quiet Ocean plan published

The Science Plan of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) has been published and is available in pdf (see and printed formats. Thanks to Peter Tyack, George Frist, Ed…

Toward a Census of Marine Life

JH Ausubel. Oceanography 12 (3): 4–5 1999

…official homepage of the COML is What did live in the oceans? What does live in the oceans? What will live in the oceans? These questions, compelling for society…

Carrying Capacity: A Model with Logistically Varying Limits [PDF]

PS Meyer, Ausubel JH. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 61 (3): 209–214 1999

…to create Postscript and PDF versions. All these tools are available in the excellent teTeX-1.0 distribution, available at You can find more information on TeX at the TeX users group,….

Reuters article on COVID-19 & Quiet Ocean Experiment

…before propeller-driven ships and boats spanned the globe? even picked up by the New York Times: and in the hard copy edition of the Washington Post. The 2009…