More coverage of Why mitochondria define species

…is low – Two people do not differ by more than two percent) and Nachrichten Welt, Germany: Alles andere als besonders: Die winzigen DNA-Unterschiede der Menschheit sind “Durchschnitt” im…

Gizmodo on populations

…a simple question to a handful of relevant experts. This week’s question is: Is the world overpopulated? Jesse Ausubel draws on our carrying capacity work to offer an answer:…

Perrin Meyer & Meyer Sound at Burning Man

…and sound designer Kyrsten Mate created a rocket launch experience “Project Empire” using a Meyer Sound system with SB-2 sound beam, 1100-LFC, MICA, MINA and more. Watch YouTube video:…

Passing of Dr. Robert M. White

…near Vienna, which he helped several times: Robert M. White 1923-2015 For Bob’s own recollections of his career, enjoy this wonderful interview. Enjoy also this video about NOAA’s founding:…

Indicator Vector (Klee Diagram) software

…aligned sequences–it readily displays patterns among >10K sequences in a single-page figure. See The Klee diagrams beautifully show the genetic structure of biodiversity for DNA barcode and other sequences….

We post an essay

We post an essay on professional master’s degrees in sciences by Jesse and education expert Sheila Tobias:…