Barcoding in Scientific American

An engaging and amusingly illustrated update on DNA Barcoding by Mark Stoeckle and Paul Hebert appears in the October 2008 issue of Scientific American, on newsstands and web today, with…

Dis the Threat Industry

JH Ausubel. Technological Forecasting and Society Change 62 (2): 119–120 1999

…page of the newspaper everyday. Moreover, threateners contend they must inflate their claims to compete. And a few threats prove worse than assessed. Both supporters of slavery and abolitionists in…

Antarctic CoML in the NYT

The New York Times recognizes the work of the Antarctic team of the Census of Marine Life in an editorial today. Jesse had the privilege with the CoML Scientific Steering…

Soy el arbol!!

In Chile in early January we visited some of the world’s largest tree plantations as well as the wondrous intact indigenous forest of Isla Mocha. Thanks to Savithri Narayanan for…

Reuters article on COVID-19 & Quiet Ocean Experiment

…before propeller-driven ships and boats spanned the globe? even picked up by the New York Times: and in the hard copy edition of the Washington Post. The 2009…

Forests, Farms, and Materials

…long-term history and foreseeable technology developments across disciplines.  Data driven, our approach is anchored in statistical analysis of time-series datasets using models of growth and diffusion, particularly Lotka-Volterra dynamical systems….