6th Newsletter of International Quiet Ocean Experiment

The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research has issued the 6th Newsletter chronicling the progress of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment, to which COVID has given an amazing opportunity and impetus…

Technology and Human Environment

The passage of time has connected the invention of the wheel with more than ten million miles of paved roads around the world today, and the capture of fire with…

Diffusion of Social Phenomena

…signals from the environment slow the growth, producing the S-shaped curve. For a single growth process, a single sigmoidal curve is often a useful model.  In niches or markets in which…

Tom Malone

…which Jesse was the scribe. In 1984 Jesse portrayed Tom in a poem, “Tom Malone here.” For a summary of Tom’s many important roles, see https://www.journals.elsevier.com/environmental-development/news/in-memoriam-thomas-f-malone/ Tom’s tutelage in international

Bar Code of Life

…Blog: where we write about and illustrate the latest news about DNA barcoding Partners Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) – Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) – All Birds Barcoding Initiative (ABBI) – All Leps…

Census of Marine Life Antarctic book

The Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) & SCAR-Marine Biodiversity Information Network BIOGEOGRAPHIC ATLAS OF THE SOUTHERN OCEAN was released in late August 2014. See three news stories below. The

Our paper on “Working

…Excellence from ANBAR, an on-line service that “reviews top journals in the world each month, ascribing quality ratings to their content and providing world class search and full text delivery…”…

Barcoding of Life Conference a success!

…and three major barcoding initiatives launched: 1) World Fishes, 2) All Plants of Costa Rica, and 3) World Birds, the latter led by Mark Stoeckle together with researchers at Guelph…

Breakthrough Institute prize

…made a major contribution to realizing a future where all the world’s inhabitants can enjoy secure, free, prosperous, and fulfilling lives on an ecologically vibrant planet.” Jesse was chosen “in…