How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

…were wiped out 65 million years ago. Government officials trying to protect the modern world’s wildlife gather in Bonn from May 19-30 for a meeting of the U.N. Convention on…

Visions of the 21st Century

…could see foamed glass replace much of the concrete in today’s buildings.  There are limits, of course, to how many lives you can give a pile of debris. In the long…

4th International Barcode of Life Conference

The 4th International Barcode of Life Conference held in Adelaide, Australia, in December 2011 has now posted the presentations, including Mark Stoeckle on the All Birds Barcoding Initiative. Also posted…

The Virtual Ecology of Industry

JH Ausubel. Journal of Industrial Ecology 1 (1): 10–11 1997

…colonies. Jet pilots and nuclear power plant operators train on video displays before their hands wield the actual controls. Numerical models form the basis of all these simulations. What are…

An article in Investor’s Business Daily

…storms and rampant tropical diseases reveal, once again, the brainless-human theory at work. This has long been a problem with the Jeremiahs of the environmental movement. They predict utter ruin…

Dis the Threat Industry

JH Ausubel. Technological Forecasting and Society Change 62 (2): 119–120 1999

The CIA for decades overstated the size of the Soviet economy and thus its threat to the USA. Worldwatchers have yearly forecast a food crisis from the exhaustion of soil…