ABBI brochure

We post Mark Stoeckle’s beautifully illustrated brochure for the project to develop DNA barcodes for all birds, the All Birds Barcoding Initiative (ABBI).…


As co-discoverers of “Decarbonization”, we were amused to find a container of Eucarbon (“Good carbon” in Greek) made by a Viennese manufacturer early in the 20th century. The old label…

The Big Picture

The quarterly magazine of Woods Hole’s Marine Biologicial Laboratory, Catalyst (Vol. 4, No. 2,Fall 2009), publishes an interview with Jesse, “The Big Picture” about the Encyclopedia of Life….

Serious Games in Washington Post

The effort we have encouraged by USC to conduct a competition to create Serious (Video) Games about international relations kicks off with coverage in the 16 October Washington Post….

Jesse Ausubel autobiography in Italian

The Roman publisher Di Renzo commissioned Jesse Ausubel to write for its series of short autobiographies, I Dialoghi. Jesse’s 112-page autobiography, La liberazione dell’ambiente (The Liberation of the Environment), will…

Loglet Lab 5 in development

Loglet Lab 4 is experiencing some difficulties, so users may receive errors on the more complex analysis. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to alleviate the problems. Meanwhile,…

Lederberg Scientific Medley

The Rockefeller University honored Joshua Lederberg with an all-day Scientific Medley on 17 October 2005. Jesse had the honor of leading the organizing committee and moderating the program, which included…