CoML Highlights 2008

…are beautiful beyond imagination. d) The power to see much more in the oceans brings enormous responsibilities to use the power wisely. A Caracas newspaper includes quotes from Jesse:…

Barcode Human Evolution

Mark Stoeckle and David Thaler’s (former RU colleague, now at University of Basel) paper on what DNA barcodes reveal about human evolution and vice versa, entitled “Bridging two scholarly islands…

Big Green Energy Machines

Jesse’s Big Green Energy Machines, based on his June 2004 talk about ZEPPs and the Supergrid at the Millennium Technology Prize symposium in Finland, is the cover story in the…

A Scalable Method for Analysis and Display of DNA Sequences

Together with colleagues at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, we report a new mathematical approach to the genetic structure of biodiversity, using indicator vectors calculated from short DNA sequences. Sirovich…

Biology in Art

The Leonardo Da Vinci DNA Project opened our eyes to the possibilities (inevitability!) of exciting new discoveries by integrating new tools of genetics, molecular biology, and microbiology into studies of…

ZEPP’s is SlashDotted

Jesse’s article on Zero Emission Power Plants (ZEPPs) was slashdotted! Original article:…

top temperature limit for life

Deep Carbon Observatory researchers set off on quest to find the top temperature limit for life. Jesse, who helps manage the program for the Sloan Foundation, will join the shore-based…