CoML communications archive

In 2003 Jesse started working with communications expert Terry Collins to share news of the Census of Marine Life and then other environmental programs. Terry specializes in unorthodox press releases,…

2020 declared Year of Quiet Ocean – News from International Quiet Ocean Experiment

…to find out The National News, United Arab Emirates Oceans silenced by Covid to reveal impact of human activity on marine life COSMOS Magazine, Australia Year of the…

Rockefeller #1

We share in the pride of everyone at The Rockefeller University that it ranked #1 in a recent survey of the impact of research of 750 universities around the world….

The Seasons 2-minute teaser

A 2-minute trailer for the new Jacques Perrin/Galatee film, The Seasons, shares great footage from the film, which opens 27 January in France, and soon after elsewhere. Jesse has served…

A poem about fruits

To celebrate friends who share Jesse’s interest in growing fruit, Jesse penned the poem “It was fruit” about growing fruits and berries on the island of Martha’s Vineyard….

Toward a Census of Marine Life

JH Ausubel. Oceanography 12 (3): 4–5 1999

…minimize direct impacts of testing and sampling on sensitive ecosystems and on individual organisms. Similarly, Thor Lassen shares some of the perspectives of commercial fishers, who also bring much information…

CoML – Arctic Project

The new Arctic project of the Census of Marine Life is in the news today. The story was covered by all the big media outlets — BBC, CNN International, AP,…