Mt paper supports Darwinian evolution

The article Why should mitochondria define species?
Stoeckle M.Y., Thaler D.S.
is grounded in and strongly supports Darwinian evolution, including the understanding all life has evolved from a common biological origin over several billion years.

The study follows mainstream views of human evolution. We do not propose there was a single “Adam” or “Eve”. We do not propose any catastrophic events.

Remembrances, passing of Jeannette Aspden

The passing on 30 September 2018 in Washington DC of Jeannette Aspden, colleague from IIASA and the Carnegie Commission, elicits a brief written tribute.   Celebrations and remembrances of our colleagues have accumulated over the years, and we re-post them here.

Vera Alexander  (Remembrance 2023)

Jeannette Aspden (Remembrance 2018)
Robert Herman (In Memory of Robert Herman, 1997)

Robert Kates (The Classification of Robert Kates, 2018)
Alexander Keynan (The Germination of Alexander Keynan, in memoriam, 2013)

Janusz Kindler (Remembrance, 2021)

Joshua Lederberg (In memoriam, 2008)
Joshua Lederberg (A Tribute to the Foresight of Joshua Lederberg, 2009)
Thomas F. Malone (Tom Malone here [poem], 1984)

Andrew W. Marshall, Andrew Marshall and Classics (remembrance, 2019)

Rodney Nichols (2018)
William A. Nierenberg (Memorial Tribute, 2000)

William D. Nordhaus (Getting to know Bill Nordhaus and Climate, 2019)

Fan and Don Ogilvie (“It was fruit“, poem celebrating our friendship)

Arthur L. Singer, Jr. (Old Friends,  A Remembrance, 2020)
Chauncey Starr (A 90th Birthday Tribute, 2002)

Oleg F. Vasiliev, 1925-2017 (scroll to second entry past Beck tribute)
Paul E. Waggoner (Thriving Thrift: On the Occasion of Paul Waggoner Appreciation Day, 2013)
Robert M. White (Portrait of Robert M. White in the style of Gertrude Stein, 1979)

Norton Zinder (A Remembrance of Norton Zinder, 2012)

Census of Marine Life, for a personal view of the program, read Jesse’s poem, The Census of Marine Life is about the total richness of the sea, the foreword to Life in the World’s Oceans: Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance, A. McIntyre (ed.), Wiley-Blackwell, 2010

Nordhaus Nobel

William Nordhaus today earned the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his pioneering work on climate change.  Hooray for Bill!

Jesse first encountered Bill’s work in the late 1970s, started a magazine file of it, and retains to this day first editions of the classic inventive papers from 1975, Can We Control Carbon Dioxide?, and 1977, Strategies for the Control of Carbon Dioxide, and others that followed (see photo below).

Jesse served as a research assistant to Bill during the 1981-1983 Carbon Dioxide Assessment Committee of the National Academy of Sciences and co-authored with him the 1983 paper, JH Ausubel, WD Nordhaus. A review of estimates of future carbon dioxide emissions in Changing climate: Report of the carbon dioxide assessment committee, pp. 153-185, National Academy Press, Washington DC 1983.

Passing of John Fisher of Fisher-Pry substitution model

We note with sadness learning of the passing of John C. Fisher on 2 May 2018 at age 98.  With Robert Pry, John Fisher developed the classic A simple substitution model of technological change JC Fisher, RH Pry – Technological Forecasting and Social Change 3, pp76-88, 1971.  Much of our work  (especially by Perrin Meyer, Jason Yung, and David Burg) has built on the Fisher-Pry model, culminating in the software package Loglet Lab 4.

The interesting account of John’s life and career by his family would have been more complete if it included discussion of the substitution model.  The General Electric Corporation research labs have made extraordinary contributions.

Paul Gaffney article on Ocean Observations

The fall issue of the quarterly magazine of the National Academy of Engineering, The Bridge, reports on Ocean Exploration and its Engineering Challenges Sept 2018 Vol 48(3).

The issue contains several excellent articles, including America’s Ocean Observations: A Perspective, by Paul Gaffney, our partner in the Monmouth University-Rockefeller University Marine Science and Policy Initiative.  The article helpfully discusses Mark Stoeckle’s work on eDNA.

Also especially notable are Mapping the World’s Oceans by our frequent collaborator Larry A. Mayer, and Using Noise to Image the Ocean by William A. Kuperman.

These and the other articles relate strongly to our interests in ocean exploration (e.g., the 2016 National Ocean Exploration Forum), The International Quiet Ocean Experiment, and more generally human progress in ocean observation.

MURU Symposium November 2018

The Monmouth University-Rockefeller University Marine Science and Policy Initiative (MURU) will be hosting the ‘National Conference on Marine and Environmental eDNA‘ to help accelerate marine environmental DNA science and applications by bringing together researchers, government agencies, and private foundations. Major themes will include Technology development, Bioinformatics, and eDNA biology.

The conference will held Thursday-Friday, November 29-30, 2018 at The Rockefeller University, New York, NY



Annual meeting of Quiet Ocean strategy group

The USA Strategy Group for the International Quiet Ocean Experiment held its 4th annual meeting 28-30 August at the Marine Policy Center of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, where Jesse Ausubel works each July-August.  We focused on opportunities to speed learning with passive acoustics in the Gulf of Mexico.   Attendees were Dave Bradley, Paul Gaffney, Cynthia Pyc, Jennifer Miksis-Olds, Kelly Oskvig, Ruth Perry, Jon White, George Frisk, Peter Tyack, Jesse Ausubel, Ed Urban, and Alan Curry, as well as Dick Pittenger (not in photo).  We enjoyed a tour of Ray Dalio’s Exploration Vessel Alucia which was docked at WHOI.