ECO special issue on IQOE

In a special issue on ocean sound, the publication ECO – Environment, Coastal, Offshore published an article  Introducing the International Quiet Ocean Experiment.  The article is authored by partners in the IQOE program including PHE, SCOR, the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, Florida Atlantic University, the University of New Hampshire, the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, POGO, and the University of Exeter.

Ethan Jacobs Google Science Fair Finalist

Congratulations to Ethan Jacobs, senior at Byram Hills High School, whom PHE’s Mark Stoeckle has mentored in the project Optimizing environmental DNA detection methods while analyzing the presence of river otters in the Northeast in the Google Science Fair.  Google has named Ethan, after advancing at the state and then the regional levels, one of 20 Global Finalists!

Gizmodo on populations

Daniel Kolitz, a writer for Gizmodo, a science and technology website with many readers, runs a weekly feature called Giz Asks, in which he poses a simple question to a handful of relevant experts.  This week’s question is: Is the world overpopulated?

Jesse Ausubel draws on our carrying capacity work to offer an answer:

Ocean Policy session on Capitol Hill

13 March 2019 the Consortium for Ocean Leadership (COL) held its annual Public Policy Forum. The topic was U.S. Ocean Policy: Past, Present, and Future, and used as a point of departure  the 2004  U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy report An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century.  Jesse Ausubel led off and moderated the final hour-long session on future ocean policy, videotaped here.

The Forum began with the superb review of the Ocean Commission report by our close colleague and friend VADM (ret.) Paul Gaffney, with whom we have conducted the Monmouth U – Rockefeller U Marine Science and Policy Initiative since 2015.

Abiotic carbon, subducted biology

Exciting news from the Deep Carbon Observatory:

A press release 22 April 2019 just summarized some highlights from a decade of work on abiotic carbon in the Deep Carbon Observatory:

Coverage here:

Decade-Long Geology Project Rewrites Origins of Earth’s Methane 22 April 2019   Discover

Our old friend Tommy Gold would be thrilled.

A paper by Peter Barry and Co. in Nature magazine explores what happens when biology meets subduction:

Deep Carbon Observatory abiotic carbon research

A press release summarizes the research of the Deep Carbon Observatory on methane and other hydrocarbons that are not fossil fuels but rather abiotic in origin.  Congratulations to Giuseppe Etiope and others who have led the work.  Tommy Gold would be happy.

April 22, 2019

Rewriting the textbook on fossil fuels: New technologies help unravel nature’s methane recipes

by Deep Carbon Observatory