Barcode High

The November/December 2011 online issue of The Scientist published an article by Mark on the High School Barcode Project, Barcode High….

The paper “A framework

The paper “A framework for sustainability science: A renovated IPAT identity” is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences….

Australian energy talk

On 16 April Jesse delivers “The Future Environment for Energy Business” to the APPEA conference in Adelaide. Here are the figures….

Update-Cardiovascular vs. Cancer

Using more recent data, we updated our analysis of Death and the Human Environment published in 2001 on competition between cancers and cardiovascular conditions as the leading cause of death…

Long Now Foundation January 2015

The Long Now Foundation in San Francisco will host a lecture by Jesse Ausubel, “Nature is Rebounding: Land- and Ocean-sparing through Concentrating Human Activities,” Tuesday 13 January 2015 at the

Economics columnist Ronald Bailey

Economics columnist Ronald Bailey runs an on-line essay about ecological overshoot that draws on PHE research:…

From time to time

From time to time colleagues inquiry about the H:C ratio of wood. Click here for the explanation: We notice that an older (1993) paper has been scanned: “Flat Organizations…

Indicator Vector (Klee Diagram) software

Mark Stoeckle and Cameron Coffran have posted the software for the indicator vector/Klee method to analyze and display large sets of aligned sequences–it readily displays patterns among >10K sequences in…

Recognizing Terry Collins and Dale Langford

With maximum appreciation for their contributions, we have included Terry Collins and Dale Langford in our list of PHE alumni and external affiliates. Dale Langford has edited almost every publication…