Census of Marine Life Reef book

I keep thinking the CoML is complete, then one more publication appears… Spineless, the incomparable photographer Susan Middleton’s book on invertebrates, has appeared. A good article https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/gorgeous-portraits-spineless-sea-creatures-180953078/?no-ist For sale at…

NYC/NJ aquatic DNA prelim results

Exciting preliminary results from our NYC/NJ Aquatic Environmental DNA (eDNA) project are posted on our updated webpage https://phe.rockefeller.edu/barcode/blog/nycnj-aquatic-vertebrate-edna-project/ The project aims to detect fish and other aquatic vertebrates by analyzing…


PHE helped convene a November 2002 reunion of participants in the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government (1988-1993). To read comments reflecting on the work of the Commission and

Werewolf Microbes

“Werewolf Microbes might take power!” The e-zine Energy Tribune interviewed Jesse for its subscribers. We post the entire interview conducted by Robert Bryce….


Discover magazine celebrates our work with Finnish colleagues on the changing density of forests as one of the top 100 science stories of 2011. “Forests stage a comeback” is #36!”…

Ocean Exploration 2020

Ocean Exploration 2020, the attractive report of the July 2013 Forum on Ocean Exploration that we helped plan, is now available. Jesse’s short essay is on pp. 34-35. Thanks and

“Continental Supergrid” summary

The “Continental Supergrid” is a most exciting concept for new infrastructure for large-scale distribution of hydrogen and electricity. Jesse has helped the concept to develop, notably through a 5-7 November…