The standard animal barcode 648 bp of mitochondrial gene COI seems “just right” for delimiting most animal species. If it were “too short”, then closely-related species would not be resolved….
An Interview with Jesse about the origins and history of the Census of Marine Life appeared on pp. 6-7 of the December 2007 newsletter of the US National Committee for…
Dalhousie University bestows an honorary doctorate on Jesse, really an honor for everyone who has contributed to the work of the ‘Program for the Human Environment’ for the past 20…
As part of our ongoing interest in diffusion of social phenomena, PHE researcher Iddo Wernick has published a paper, Jews in Time and Space, using the writing of books to…
JH Ausubel.
George C. Marshall Institute News
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…and politicians in the same loop Regina Gusmão Research networks as a means of European integration Rudolf Botzian Scientific cooperation and technical assistance in German foreign policy Hartmut Kaelble Science…
PHE Researcher Iddo Wernick published a review of the recently released book A Question of Power: Why Electricity Will Remain the Essential Ingredient for Human Flourishing by Robert Bryce….
The horse-chestnut leaf miner moth Cameraria ohridella (link to Encyclopedia of Life species page), first described as an apparent endemic in Macedonia in 1984, has steadily expanded its range over…
Our paper “Towards Green Mobility” was discussed recently in the New York Time’s Dot Earth blog….
Harvesting wild animals for sale as food is a large, mostly illegal business that threatens wild animal populations and puts humans at risk for exotic infections, witness the SARS outbreak…
What’s happened to the forests of the former Roman Empire? This and other mysteries are probed in Quandaries of Forest Area, Volume, Biomass, and Carbon Explored with the Forest Identity,…