The Encyclopedia of Life goes live

The Encyclopedia of Life, for which Jesse served as founding chairman, goes live! Reuters offers a good sample story about the debut of this promising macroscope. Please visit the EOL…

Rockefeller U short course on Science & Diplomacy

…2014 course participants Rupa Ram and Dominic Olinares wrote a generous account of last year’s field trip to Washington DC in the University’s Incubator blog. Jesse’s viewpoint on science &…

Photo from Encyclopedia of Life launch

Photo from With the Encyclopedia of Life launched, we post a photo of most of the participants in the brainstorming meeting sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation at the Woods Hole…

Farewell Smriti

The Program for the Human Environment bids a fond farewell to research assistant Smriti Rao, who worked with us beginning in October 2008 and now relocates to San Diego. We…

Peak Farmland

We post Jesse H. Ausubel, Iddo K. Wernick and Paul E. Waggoner, “Peak Farmland and the Prospects for Sparing Nature,” Population and Public Policy: Essays in Honor of Paul Demeny,…