New York Times “dot earth” Poppies

New York Times environment reporter Andrew Revkin has launched a new “dot earth” blot with an entry about population that draws on the work of the Program for the Human…

How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

…Bjorn Clausen, managing director of Danish livestock shipping experts Corral Line AS, said large cows need at least 2 square metres each when held in pens for half a dozen…

Matt Ridley on Peak Farmland

…people are likely to release from farming a land area “1½ times the size of Egypt, 2½ times the size of France, or 10 Iowas, and possibly multiples of this…

DNA Barcoding of Nutritional Supplements

…rather than later.” In a breakthrough application of DNA barcoding, reported 3 February in the NY Times, “New York Attorney General Targets Supplements at Major Retailers.” New York’s lead owes…

Community Risk Profiles: Background

Addressing Environmental Quality and Public Health at the Community Level: A Problem Statement IDDO K. WERNICK The Rockefeller University, New York, NY SUMMARY As the size and diversity of the

The New York Times

The New York Times mentions the Sloan Foundation’s Limits to Knowledge program and quotes Jesse….


Finnish analyst Lauri Hetemaki documents a powerful example of Dematerialization in the U.S. newsprint market. For more information, see, Hetemäki, L. 2005, Chapter 6.2.2 “The U.S. newsprint market”, pp. 77-80,…