NYTIMES Newspaper Circulation

On 9 May 2006 The New York Times reported the decline in daily US newspaper circulation from 63 million in 1984 to 45 million in March 2006. The associated fall…

Cal Tech Harris Distinguished lecture

Together with long-time colleague Nebosja Nakicenovic, Jesse Ausubel will give the William and Myrtle Harris Distinguished lectures in Science and Civilization on “Cars and Civilization” at the California Institute of…

We posted the full

We posted the full text of the paper: Energy and Environment: The Light Path…

Serious Games

and young adults worldwide. Congratulations to Asi Burak and PeaceMaker team members at Carnegie-Mellon. A little history of our involvement with gaming: Swedish economist Ingolf Stahl first involved Jesse in…

JIE Celebrated 10th Anniversary

On Thursday, May 11, 2006 the Journal of Industrial Ecology celebrated its 10th anniversary and inclusion in the Science Citation Index with a seminar and festive program. Jesse was one…

Oklahoma Wind Power

The 17 May New York Times quoted Jesse about windpower. For an exposition of the problem, see “Nuclear and Renewable Heresies” posted 19 March 2005….

Alan Curry joins PHE

Alan Curry began working with PHE as a consultant in the spring of 2012 on trends in technologies and their implications as well as the limits to predictability. We are…