Jesse visits Niceville High School in FL

The students of Niceville High School in the Florida Panhandle regularly contribute valuable samples from the sandy bottom of their beautiful shoreline to the near-shore (NaGISA) field project of the

Ocean Sound

An article in the 11 April 2019 issue of Nature magazine discusses the issue of sound in the ocean and notes the role of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE)…

Jesse on the Indian Blackout

The Indian electricity blackouts of 30-31 July 2012 affected more than 600 million people. A National Public Radio story by correspondent Richard Harris quotes Jesse Ausubel on the increasing need…

Nigeria Barcoding

Bravo to David Schindel and the Consortium for the Barcode of Life for spurring further application of DNA barcoding to reduce trade in endangered species with an initiative in Nigeria….

A Society that reuses almost everything.

Our program was recently mentioned, and Jesse quoted, in the November 10, 1997 issue of Business Week (page 106 hardcopy). If you haven’t notice, we added some JavaScript to “light…

China Maglev Progress

While we prefer lateral suspension approach to the German approach, we are pleased to observe China speeding along the learning curve for maglev technology….

Vern Ruttan Article

Jesse’s comment about Vern Ruttan’s article on technologies that might transform the economy appeared in the spring issue of the journal Issues in Science and Technology….

Living Lab radio

WGBH’s Living Lab radio program hosted by Heather Goldstone interviewed Jesse Ausubel for 30 minutes about his views on the global environment. The radio interview was stimulated by Jesse’s lecture…