Updated IQOE Evaluation and 12the Newsletter

…the Global Oceans on 22-25 January 2024 Jesse Ausubel, Ed Urban, and Peter Tyack updated the evaluation of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment. IQOE’s 12th Newsletter is now also online….

Goldstone interview

On 7 July 2014 Jesse Ausubel was interviewed by Heather Goldstone in her public radio program “Living Lab.” A short article describes the interview, which focused on questions of land…

RealClear Science Essay

RealClearScience publishes Jesse Ausubel’s short essay “We must make nature worthless,” based on remarks he prepared for a 6 November 2014 seminar at Resources for the Future….

Panel on Ocean Exploration

The Department of Commerce has established a new Panel on Ocean Exploration on which Jesse is serving. The work of the panel is described at https://oceanpanel.nos.noaa.gov….

Zazzle stamps

With great photographs from researchers Mike Johnson, Rob Lasley, and Uwe Piatkowski, PHE’s Mark Stoeckle has created three beautiful Census of Marine Life stamps. Simply click on each stamp to…