Barcode Coverage

The big London DNA barcoding jamboree earned extensive press coverage, ranging from BBC and CNN to Science.…

The Census of Marine Life and the Role of Aquariums

JH Ausubel. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco 20 (1): 67 2001 Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, no spécial 20, fascicule 1

…International Aquarium Congress for the chance to share with you, the leaders of the international aquarium community, news of progress toward the implementation of a scientific program to carry out…

I Figli strappati

In 1982 Jesse translated from Italian into English about 200 pages from the unpublished diaries of Fey von Hassell, who had grown up in Rome in the 1930s as daughter…

Perspectives on Ocean Exploration video

The new 18″ video “Perspectives on Ocean Exploration” includes comments by Jesse Ausubel as well as Robert Ballard, Sylvia Earle, Paul Gaffney, Walter Munk, and others. Jerry Schubel of the…

The Census of the Fishes: Concept Paper

Jesse H. Ausubel., January 1997

…distribution and abundance of marine life. Sea life holds great interest for the public in the USA and around the world. Aquariums and exhibitions on marine life in natural history…

Daedalus, Summer 1996

…is dilution.’” –Robert A. Frosch “…the affinity between the two orders [the rules of nature and the rules of policy] becomes a challenge to contemporary politics…. nowadays it is a…