Astounding family lobster

Lifewatch has named Jesse Ausubel’s ‘terrible claw’ lobster as one of the ten astounding species of the last decade (2007-2017). Hooray for Dinochelus ausubeli! Thanks to the colleagues who made…

French CoML Slide Show

The French newspaper, Liberation, assembled a slide show of photos of plankton from the Bermuda triangle cruise of the Census of Marine Life by superb photographer and scientist Russell Hopcroft….

EconTalk interview

On August 24th Jesse Ausubel was interviewed by Russ Roberts on EconTalk, a weekly economics podcast. The hour-long interview, Agriculture, Technology, and the Return of Nature, can be heard here….

Deep Carbon Observatory abiotic carbon research

A press release summarizes the research of the Deep Carbon Observatory on methane and other hydrocarbons that are not fossil fuels but rather abiotic in origin.  Congratulations to Giuseppe Etiope…

Book Review: ‘More from Less’ by Andrew McAfee

PHE Researcher Iddo Wernick published a review of ‘More from Less: The Surprising Story of How We Learned to Prosper Using Fewer Resources?and What Happens Next’ by Andrew McAfee in…

The New York Times

The New York Times mentions the Sloan Foundation’s Limits to Knowledge program and quotes Jesse….

NYTIMES Newspaper Circulation

On 9 May 2006 The New York Times reported the decline in daily US newspaper circulation from 63 million in 1984 to 45 million in March 2006. The associated fall…

Cal Tech Harris Distinguished lecture

Together with long-time colleague Nebosja Nakicenovic, Jesse Ausubel will give the William and Myrtle Harris Distinguished lectures in Science and Civilization on “Cars and Civilization” at the California Institute of…