Quiet Ocean Experiment

“An International Quiet Ocean Experiment,” co-authored by Jesse and 22 colleagues led by Ian Boyd and George Frisk, appears in the June 2011 issue of Oceanography magazine. The paper and…

Science magazine, “Temperate Forests Gain Ground”

We have posted an article that appeared today in Science magazine, “Temperate Forests Gain Ground”, that discusses the paper “Searching for Leverage to Conserve Forests: The Industrial Ecology of Wood…

Loglet Oil Analysis

An oil analyst makes creative use of Loglet Lab to analyze oil production and the peak oil question: https://www.theoildrum.com/story/2006/9/3/113719/7594…

Bloomberg View on Peak Everything

Bloomberg View reporter Justin Fox publishes an excellent piece “We might be near peak environmental impact” that reports on our Nature Rebounds essay and the new Breakthrough Institute’s “Nature Unbound:…

Goddard energy talk

On 24 April 2006 Jesse gave an expanded version of his Industrial Physicist paper about Big Green Energy Machines on zero-emission power plants and the supergrid for joint distribution of…

Rethinking the Inedible

The Martha’s Vineyard Gazette publishes Jesse’s brief essay Rethinking the Inedible about seafood and the Census of Marine Life…