PHE MOVES! Our web

PHE MOVES! Our web site has changed from to (we are now hosting our own site on a workstation in our lab). Check out our new book Technological…

Claire William’s Book

Claire Williams’ book Landscapes, Genomics, and Transgenic Conifers to which we contributed “Foresters and DNA” is now available from Amazon where the site features our opening sentence: “The decoding of…

Article about Jesse’s orchard

The Martha’s Vineyard Times runs a bright article about The Cherry Orchard in Jesse Ausubel’s Backyard with 8 photos as well as an excellent text by Laura Roosevelt….

Jesse NYTimes Global Warming

On 14 March Jesse will particiapte in a seminar organized by the New York Times about climate change. PDF Poster…

IBM Quantum Leap

The Program for the Human Environment is featured in an article on Dematerialization posted on the IBM home page Quantum Leaps section….

CoML update

Superb stories on the Census of Marine Life appeared 13 February in the leading German weekly, Der Spiegel, and 22 February in the leading Brazilian weekly, Veja….