Biology in Art

The Leonardo Da Vinci DNA Project opened our eyes to the possibilities (inevitability!) of exciting new discoveries by integrating new tools of genetics, molecular biology, and microbiology into studies of…

Jesse on the Indian Blackout

The Indian electricity blackouts of 30-31 July 2012 affected more than 600 million people. A National Public Radio story by correspondent Richard Harris quotes Jesse Ausubel on the increasing need…

Forest Density Press Release 5 June 2011

…a helpful map of changes in forest density for those nations studied in the paper:. Rautiainen A, Wernick I, Waggoner PE, Ausubel JH, Kauppi PE, 2011 A National and International

Alvin M. Weinberg

“The Longevity of Infrastructure” that appeared in Cities and Their Vital Systems. In 2003, Jesse was honored to present the 9th annual Alvin Weinberg lecture at Oak Ridge National Lab….

Smithsonian exhibit about Census of Marine Life

The National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC has added a small but excellent exhibit about the Census of Marine Life to the Sant Hall…