Does Climate Still Matter?

JH Ausubel. Nature 350: 649–652 1991

…major coastal populations. Freshwater systems in some regions would also be made more robust by extending networks of supply over wider spaces through interbasin transfer and other strategies. In practical…

Daedalus, Summer 1996

…factors of production. However, the taste for complexity, which often meshes with higher performance, may intensify other environmental problems, even as the bulk issues lessen. “As consumers, we profess one…

The Census of Marine Life: Progress and Prospects

JH Ausubel. Fisheries 26 (7): 33–36 2001

…and in the open North Pacific.  A planning workshop in December 2000 in Vancouver, Canada, brought together leading experts on a variety of salmon populations to consider the design of…

Rhythms of the Universe

…5 short segments posted on YouTube. This segment captures the sound and video quite well: Other segments capture the excellent conversation of Mickey Hart and George Smoot, e.g.,…

Short videos of Galatee’s The Seasons

…Jesse Ausubel served as a science advisor, great 30-second Japanese teaser: And a 1 minute 42 second teaser: And one that shows some of the film’s techniques:…

More fishing for DNA on Martha’s Vineyard

…2016: We continue to be thrilled by ways that eDNA allows us to discover the animals in the water around us. For more, see and .  …

eDNA and Loch Ness

…in an AP Television segment about searching for the Loch Ness monster using eDNA. Mark’s interview and footage begins about 2 minutes 50 seconds into the 8-minute segment.…

Reuters article on COVID-19 & Quiet Ocean Experiment

…before propeller-driven ships and boats spanned the globe? even picked up by the New York Times: and in the hard copy edition of the Washington Post. The 2009…

Rare mineral species

…People enjoy the news – covered in at least 51 countries and 19 languages. BBC Earth’s rarest minerals catalogued DPA / APA (newswires, Germany, Austria) Weniger als ein Würfel…