How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

…modern marine transport guidelines, even with a few thousand creatures. Noah and his family took along at least two of every type of animal and bird, and food for all…

Jesse awarded an honorary doctorate

…the frequencies they use to communicate? If we can quiet things down, would they return to their normal, natural frequency rather than deepening their voices or raising their voices? he…

Top predators project – Census of Marine Life

…predator movements in a dynamic ocean, earns wide attention, Nature, Published online 22 June 2011, doi:10.1038/nature10082 including in the Washington Post and the German language media, which also quote Jesse….

Tea Barcode published

…names. One-third of herbal teas had ingredients not listed on the label–including weeds such as annual bluegrass and herbal plants such as chamomile. More on their Tea Barcode of Life…

Barcode High

The November/December 2011 online issue of The Scientist published an article by Mark on the High School Barcode Project, Barcode High….

More Cockroach coverage

  Our citizen science cockroach project continues to attract attention, with PHE researcher Mark Stoeckle interviewed on local NBC TV news, National Public Radio, and National Geographic online. Coverage also…

Census of Marine Life Antarctic book

…First ‘comprehensive’ atlas of Southern Ocean marine life unveiled ABC Online – ‎‎ The 3.5-kilogram book, published by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, was being launched in Auckland today…

Methane hydrates report from UNEP et al.

…Frozen Heat: UNEP Global Outlook on Methane Gas Hydrates. Volume 1. United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal. For both volumes: ISBN: 978-92-807-3319-8 Volumes 1 & 2 should be available online soon….

Burg visit

…on a number of projects including the development of online software for statistical analysis of time series data as well as studies applying biological models to social and technical phenomena….