Scientists, War, Diplomacy, Europe

JH Ausubel. George C. Marshall Institute News 3 (4): 2001

…by the New York Academy of Sciences with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York, explored scientists’ roles in the diplomacy between Israel and Egypt, Argentina and Brazil, and the


…in the area: Kinney Parking:  450 East 63rd Street (between York & 1st Avenue) Greenberg Garage: New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center (entrance at 68th Street, east of York Avenue)…

Chernobyl After Perestroika: Reflections on a Recent Visit

JH Ausubel. Technology in Society 14: 187–198 1992

…of many Americans left those lands behind and harder to understand why people have fought so hard over them. Sometimes people fight most where the stakes are low. Certainly rural…

Technical Progress and Climatic Change

JH Ausubel. Energy Policy 23 (4/5): 411–416 1995 Also pp. 501-512 in Integrated Assessment of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change, N Nakicenovic, WD Nordhaus, R Richels, and FL Toth (eds), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1994.

…one hundred years, as Figure 3 shows, engineers have upped relative channel capacity by one hundred million times. In fact, fiber optics appear to initiate a new trajectory, above the

Because the Brain Does Not Change, Technology Must

JH Ausubel. Production Efficiencies: The Engineers' Report, American Association of Engineering Societies, Washington, D.C. 14–18 1999 Republished in: IEEE Aerospace and Electronic SYSTEMS 14(10):3-6, October 1999. The paper is based on a talk Jesse gave at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development meetings in New York in April 1999.

…SYSTEMS 14(10):3-6, October 1999. The paper is based on a talk Jesse gave at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development meetings in New York in April 1999. (Note: The figures are…

Community Risk Profiles: Appendices

…1230 York Avenue, Box 234 New York, NY 10021 Tel: 212-327-7842 Fax: 212-327-7519 Liaison with The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Robert G. Hughes Director of Program Research The Robert Wood…