Leonardo DNA project

…sponsored by Eugenio Giani, President of the Regional Council of Tuscany. Jesse’s introductory essay is here. The press release earned wide attention, for example, BBC radio: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03tb7ht Gizmodo, USA The…

Simulating the Academy: Toward Understanding Colleges and Universities as Dynamic Systems

JH Ausubel, R Herman, WF Massy, SV Massy. What Higher Education is Doing Right, W.F. Massy and J.W. Meyerson, eds., Princeton University 107–120 1997 120

…in preparation for adult life and society’s various endeavors. They interpret and critique culture and influence our world views. We expect these institutions to be all things to all people:…

The Census of Marine Life: Progress and Prospects

JH Ausubel. Fisheries 26 (7): 33–36 2001

…emphasized the chance for exciting discoveries about the world in which we live.  Much remains to be discovered about life in the oceans. For example, ichthyologists have so far identified…

Chernobyl After Perestroika: Reflections on a Recent Visit

JH Ausubel. Technology in Society 14: 187–198 1992

…fallout remain. In this essay, I convey how economic deterioration and political metamorphosis bear on one of the world’s most important environmental sites. Some of the drama and gloom of…

Dis the Threat Industry

JH Ausubel. Technological Forecasting and Society Change 62 (2): 119–120 1999

The CIA for decades overstated the size of the Soviet economy and thus its threat to the USA. Worldwatchers have yearly forecast a food crisis from the exhaustion of soil…

Daedalus, Summer 1996

…is dilution.’” –Robert A. Frosch “…the affinity between the two orders [the rules of nature and the rules of policy] becomes a challenge to contemporary politics…. nowadays it is a…

Community Risk Profiles: Summary

…views my city through a soda straw. They only look at one thing at a time, for instance, underground storage tanks, or stormwater runoff, drinking water, trucker safety. . ….

Reasons to Worry About the Human Environment

JH Ausubel. Journal of the Cosmos Club of Washington D.C 8 (1): 12 1998 Republished in Technology in Society 21:217-231, 1999. 

…are of no consequence or lost in the ruckus of history. To offer a flippant but telling example, Europeans, Americans, and Japanese ski much more now than we did in…

EOL Videos

The 8-9 May 2007 public launch of the Encyclopedia of Life included short appearances by Jesse on Reuters television and on the CBC evening news….