Pirelli Prize

The video for the launch of the Encyclopedia of Life earned a 15,000 euro Pirelli International Award for science communication. Thanks to Avenue A/RazorFish and all other members of the…

Census of Marine Microbes’ new evolution paper

…Gallardo and Carola Espinoza, via their work in the International Census of Marine Microbes of the Census of Marine Life. Bravo to all for a great discovery about evolutionary stasis….

Barcoding Highlights 2013

PHE-ers Mark Stoeckle, Jesse Ausubel, and Paul Waggoner put together Barcoding Life Highlights 2013 in recognition of the Fifth International Barcode of Life Conference opening shortly in Kunming. This eight…

Google Impact supports DNA Barcoding

Border inspectors and wildlife officials around the world look for endangered species killed and trafficked in violation of national laws and international treaties. Sometimes the objects are easily identified but…

2 July 2004

Jesse returned today from the Azores where the international Scientific Steering Committee for the Census of Marine Life met and welcomed to port the MS Loran and G. O. Sars,…

Diamonds and Deep Gas

…Saul, The Origin of Diamonds and the Deep Gas Hypothesis, Proceedings of the XVIII International Gemmological Conference, Journal of the Gemmological Society of Japan, Vol.8, no1-4 (Dec. 1981) pp.79-85.  …