ComL Jesse Interview
Top diver and videographer Rick Morris prepared a cool piece, Counting Creatures, about the Census of Marine Life, mixing footage of submarine life and an interview with Jesse. Thanks, Rick!…
Top diver and videographer Rick Morris prepared a cool piece, Counting Creatures, about the Census of Marine Life, mixing footage of submarine life and an interview with Jesse. Thanks, Rick!…
The Neotropics, comprising southern Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, and South America, is home to over 4,000 bird species, representing over 40% of world birds. In this post, Pablo Tubaro, Museo…
Reference databases of DNA sequences used for species identification, ie DNA barcode libraries, are most powerful when the morphologic specimens are vouchered in a museum collection. This way, when there…
Where did petroleum come from? How did it form? When? These are the first few questions the great scientist Dmitri Mendeleev asked in the chapter “On the origins of petroleum”…
Our work in the 1980s on Cities and Their Vital Systems with Robert Herman, Cesare Marchetti, Alvin Weinberg, Brian Arthur, Nebojsa Nakicenovic and others seems to have acquired cult status,…
The Encyclopedia of Life, for which Jesse served as founding chairman, goes live! Reuters offers a good sample story about the debut of this promising macroscope. Please visit the EOL…
Photo from With the Encyclopedia of Life launched, we post a photo of most of the participants in the brainstorming meeting sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation at the Woods Hole…
German journalist Heinz Horeis who specializes in energy and environment visited the PHE in late 2007. The Swiss weekly news magazine Weltwoche published in German 6 March 2008 a substantial…
The Technology-Entertainment-Design (TED) conference that helped launch the Encyclopedia of Life and connect it with hi-techsters prepared a 4-minute, 13 MB video [download it here] that both reports on progress…
Andrew Revkin of the New York Times posts a blog Dot Earth: Can people Have Meat and a planet, Too? that refers to our ideas and those of our mentor…