Quiet Ocean Experiment

“An International Quiet Ocean Experiment,” co-authored by Jesse and 22 colleagues led by Ian Boyd and George Frisk, appears in the June 2011 issue of Oceanography magazine. The paper and…

We have newly posted on-line

We have newly posted on-line an earlier paper for which we continue to receive reprint requests: “Verification of International Environmental Agreements .”…

100 million years without sex: COI clustering in bdelloid rotifers challenges theories of how species are formed and maintained

…Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew analyze morphometric and molecular data of a comprehensive international sampling of Rotaria sp. bdelloid rotifers. All 9 morphologically defined taxonomic species form monophyletic clades in genetic…

Smithsonian exhibit about Census of Marine Life

…of Ocean Life. A couple of dozen CoML alumni participated in a ceremony to welcome the exhibit, which includes the splendid gold medal of the International Cosmos Prize awarded in…

Updated IQOE Evaluation and 12the Newsletter

the Global Oceans on 22-25 January 2024 Jesse Ausubel, Ed Urban, and Peter Tyack updated the evaluation of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment. IQOE’s 12th Newsletter is now also online….


…of the barcoding gene COI for use in forensic genetic species identification” (Forensic Sci International 173:1, 2007). The authors conclude “this study demonstrates that the cytochrome c oxidase I gene…