Full PDR issue online

The entire issue of Population and Development Review with our article about Peak Farmland is now online: Population and Public Policy: Essays in Honor of Paul Demeny https://www.popcouncil.org/publications/books/2012_PDRSuppPopPublicPolicy.asp and will…

Fortune on the Supergrid

Fortune magazine’s 8 August issue publishes “Meet the Supergrid” about Chauncey Starr and the idea we have helped develop about a continental supergrid for joint transport and storage of electricity…


For several years Jesse Ausubel and Cesare Marchetti have been pondering the growth of human empires through the lens of biological models. The International Journal of Anthropology has now published…

Animal species and mitochondria

We post to BioRXiv, the pre-print server for biology: Why Should Mitochondria Define Species? Mark Y. Stoeckle, David S. Thaler Comments on the paper are most welcome.The study is grounded…

More papers

We post some more of our older papers: Science International: A US View of its Institutional Needs, Materialization and Dematerialization: Measures and Trends, Consuming Materials: The American Way, and Cities…