Jesse’s Oak Ridge slides

Jesse presented the 9th annual Alvin M. Weinberg lecture at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 5 June, expanding his April Austin talk on decarbonization. Now 88 and continuously creative, Alvin directed…

Global libido

David Goldman, aka Spengler, cites our 1998 essay “Reasons to worry about the human environment” in his provocative 13 Mar 2012 column in AsiaTimes “Japan’s lost libido and America’s asexual…

WSJ 30 May

The program Jesse has managed for the Sloan Foundation on the Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable is featured in the Wall Street Journal (May 30)0r the original article scanned….

Barcode of Life

Our efforts on environmental genomics begin to bear fruit. A “Barcode of Life” project seems likely to proceed based on the just-completed “Banbury II” conference on DNA & taxonomy at…


The Census of Marine Life, which Jesse has helped develop, is growing fast. The Associated Press has just issued a lively account of some of the nascent field projects….

Rare minerals

Hard copy version of our paper applying concepts of rarity in biology to rarity in geology published: American Mineralogist, June 2016; 101 (6) Invited Centennial Article On the nature and…

Iddo eicc PAPER

Working with colleagues at National Taiwan University, PHE researcher Iddo Wernick coauthored a paper, published in the journal Sustainability, on environmental evaluation of supply chains. The full citation is: Ching-Ching…

What Lies Beneath

What Lies Beneath An interview with Jesse Ausubel about the Census of Marine Life for Imagine magazine, Volume 18, Number 3, pp.18-21. Published by The Johns Hopkins University Center for…