Where is Energy Going? [PDF]

JH Ausubel. The Industrial Physicist 6 (1): 16–19 2000 The essay had appeared in Italian in the special millennial edition of the Italian financial newspaper, Il Sole/24 Ore, on 17 November 1999; also in Italian as Benvenuti nel millennio nuclear, pp.163-168 in Duemila: Verso una societa aperta, M. Moussanet, ed., Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2000.

…edition of the Italian financial newspaper, Il Sole/24 Ore, on 17 November 1999; also in Italian as Benvenuti nel millennio nucleare, pp.163-168 in Duemila: Verso una societa aperta, M. Moussanet,…

Deep Carbon Observatory News

…Oil and Gas sector 23 December 2009 The new international Deep Carbon Observatory https://dco.ciw.edu/ led by Robert Hazen and Russ Hemley has launched its website. Jesse and Veselin Kostov have…

Community Risk Profiles: Background

…no means comprehensive, is the issue of scale. Geographically speaking, some environmental problems are global in scope and, as such, require national and international attention, albeit still requiring individual contributions. Some problems…


Produced by PHE associate and acoustician Perrin Meyer, polartide.org is an interactive meditation on time, oil stocks, and sea levels for the Maldives Pavillion at the 55th Venice Biennale. polartide…

How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

…were wiped out 65 million years ago. Government officials trying to protect the modern world’s wildlife gather in Bonn from May 19-30 for a meeting of the U.N. Convention on…