Deep Carbon Observatory landmarks

Yikes, we realize we never posted the 4 March news of the release of the baseline report of the Deep Carbon Observatory. The Press Release, which Jesse helped draft with…

Community Risk Profiles: Background

…therapies for patients with less than six months to live and liver transplants for unrepentant alcoholics received low rankings. Some treatments received low rankings not due to their relative contribution…

We have added six

…have also added a new Java Applet that demonstrates logistic (S-shaped function) analysis. We have also made general site updates and enhancements to our list of publications, our CV’s, etc….

Forest Identity Tutorial

…refers to a growing stock spread sheet with growing stock data for 144 countries in 1990 and 2005. Finally, the tutorial introduces our new phrase “Carbon Orchards,” which updates the…

Stimulated by a request

Stimulated by a request from the Economist magazine for an article on sustainability for their 6 July issue, Iddo Wernick updates our classic figure on materials use and dematerialization in…

Abiotic Petroleum Bibliography

Our bibliography on abiotic petroleum origins grows bigger and better with the inclusion of another 50+ references to Russian papers, courtesy to Vladimir Kutcherov. Stay tuned for more exciting updates….