Butterflies paper in PNAS

“Ten Species in One: DNA Barcoding Reveals Cryptic Species in the Neotropical Skipper Butterfly Astraptes fulgerator paper by Paul Hebert, Erin Penton, John Burns, Daniel Janzen, and Winnie Hallwachs to be published this fall in Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences. This exciting study demonstrates the power of DNA barcoding coupled with traditional taxonomic tools in disclosing hidden diversity, a critical issue in global conservation.

Globalization, Migration, and Latin American Ecosystems

The article “Globalization, Migration, and Latin American Ecosystems” by T M Aide and H R Grau (Science 305: 1915-1916, 2004, 24 September) draws on our land use work to make the case that high-yield agriculture is contributing to abandonment of marginal lands and reforestation.

Birds paper published in PLoS Biology

“Identification of Birds Through DNA Barcodes” paper by Paul Hebert, Mark Stoeckle, Tyler Zemlak, and Charles Francis published online in PLoS Biology on September 28, 2004. This landmark paper demonstrates the effectiveness of DNA barcodes in distinguishing North American birds. In addition, several probable new species were found, suggesting that a global survey of birds utilizing museum specimens could rapidly (and inexpensively!) lead to the recognition of many new species. A synopsis accompanies the article in PLoS Biology and a Rockefeller University press release provides additional information.

Barcoding Birds Paper

Our paper “Identification of Birds Through DNA Barcodes” is published in PLoS Biology and is featured by Science and Nature online.

Links can be found on our
Barcode of Life website

Tommy Gold, 1920-2004

Our endlessly creative and provocative Cornell colleague Thomas Gold passed away on 22 June at age 84. Tommy pioneered thinking about abiogenic methane and the deep hot biosphere. He opened our eyes in the late 1970s to the possibility that the popular beliefs about the origins of “fossil fuels”, and their abundance and distribution, might be ripe for scientific revolution. The 14 September New York Times reports a new PNAS article providing strong evidence for Tommy’s view. A memorial service is planned for Tommy in Ithaca on 13 October.

Welcome back, Iddo!

We are delighted to welcome back Iddo Wernick as a part time Research Investigator this Fall with PHE!