Maglevs in the NY Times

An article about the Hyperloop magnetically levitated train in the 10 August 2017 New York Times quotes Jesse Ausubel:

Why Even the Hyperloop Probably Wouldn’t Change Your Commute Time  

Humans have historically tended to travel about half an hour to work, regardless of how fast the mode of transportation.


We first studied maglevs during the 1980s as part of a National Academy of Engineering project on cities and infratructures.  Not enough has changed.

R Herman, JH Ausubel. Cities and their vital systems: Synthesis and perspectives  Pp 1-21 in Cities and their vital systems: Infrastructure, Past, Present, and Future, National Academy, Washington, DC1988

More recent essays in this domain are:

The Nature of the City 2016

Cars and Civilization 2014


Italy’s Corriere della Sera also runs a new story :Ecco perché auto senza pilota e treni iperveloci non ci faranno …   Corriere della SeraAug 15, 2017

La scienziata comportamentale Jesse Ausubel si è in pratica chiesta: considerando il fatto che, secondo uno studio della American Community …