
Welcome back, Iddo!

We are delighted to welcome back Iddo Wernick as a part time Research Investigator this Fall with PHE!

Tony Barrett Leaves for Carnegie Mellon

After a productive stay, our Research Intern, Tony Barrett departed for Pittsburgh, PA to begin his doctorate in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. He can still be reached at the Program for the Human Environment at his Rockefeller University email ( and will continue to collaborate with us on projects.

29 July 2004

Upon submission for publication of our paper on “Industrial Ecology for Leverage to Loose Less Cadmium,” we post our simulator of cadmium flows to our ImPACT identity site. The “DynaCad” simulator provides the basis for key conclusions in the paper. We thank Paul Waggoner for his lead role in creating the simulator and Iddo Wernick, Peter Elias,
and Tony Barrett for their patience in completing this work, which grew out of our 1997 report Industrial Ecology: Some Directions for Research.

2 July 2004

Jesse returned today from the Azores where the international Scientific Steering Committee for the Census of Marine Life met and welcomed to port the MS Loran and G. O. Sars, which had completed the first leg of the survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. For the thrilling daily cruise diary of the expedition, visit:

Jesse at Millennium Technology Prize symposium

On 22 June Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, received the first Millennium Technology Prize [] (1 million Euros) in Helsinki. Jesse was one of the speakers at the accompanying symposium. His remarks on Big Green Energy Machines were reported in the main Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat [part 1, [part 2]. We thank Pekka Kauppi for a translation to English. The Suomen Kuvalehti (“Newsweek in Finland”) also ran a story that highlights both ZEPPs and the Continental Supergrid [part 1, part 2].

Big Green Energy Machines: Text (pdf), and Slides (powerpoint)

29 June 2004

Sir John Browne, Chairman and CEO of BP, spoke on the record at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York on Thursday 24 June about global warming “Beyond Kyoto.” Jesse moderated the meeting. Mr. Browne’s remarks are notable for accepting a limit or threshold for warming of 2.0 centigrade and for atmospheric concentration of 500-550 parts per million. Mr. Browne’s remarks are at

CoML – Arctic Project

The new Arctic project of the Census of Marine Life is in the news today. The story was covered by all the big media outlets — BBC, CNN International, AP, ABC News–, made it into print in ten nations, and was reported in English, Japanese, French, and Spanish.