
Human effect on natural light

Human additions of sound and light continue to interest us as aspects of global change, as we wrote in  JH Ausubel. Broadening the scope of global change to include illumination and noise . SEED Magazine 23 Nov: 2009.  We draw attention to Oecologia. 2014; 176(4): 917–931, PMCID: PMC4226844 Human alteration of natural light cycles: causes and ecological consequences by Kevin J. Gaston, James P. Duffy, Sian Gaston, Jonathan Bennie, and Thomas W. Davies.

Hurford Initiative on Science & DIplomacy

Rockefeller University graduate students Avital Percher and Devon Collins wrote a short essay about the 2015 short course and field trip as part of the Hurford Initiative on Science & Diplomacy that Jesse helps guide with Mande Holford and Rod Nichols.   Another great group of students and post-docs!

Michelson Lecture at Naval Academy

The United States Naval Academy has invited Jesse Ausubel to deliver the Michelson Lecture 15 October 2015 in Annapolis on Ocean Past, Ocean Future. We are honored by the invitation from the Academy and the roster of prior lecturers.


RFF Seminar on Breakthrough decoupling report

Resources For the Future (RFF) has posted the video (and audio) of the seminar Weds 9 Sept 2015 where Jesse Ausubel commented on the release of Breakthrough Institute’s Nature Unbound: Decoupling for Conservation.  Jesse’s remarks begin at 29′ 15″ and run 8 minutes (scroll down to the video box & use slider).  The video begins with Linus Blomqvist’s introduction of the report and ends with Q&A involving Linus, Jesse, and Tom Lovejoy.




EconTalk interview

On August 24th Jesse Ausubel was interviewed by Russ Roberts on EconTalk, a weekly economics podcast.  The hour-long interview, Agriculture, Technology, and the Return of Nature, can be heard here.

Galatee Seasons film segment

The new film of Jacques Perrin and Galatee Productions, The Seasons, is scheduled for release 27 January 2016.  A 1-minute promotional segment is available at

See also

The Richard Lounsbery Foundation helped launch the project, and Jesse Ausubel has assisted with some expertise on re-wilding.  The film chronicles the birth of the four seasons after the end of the last ice age and the related history of forest animals in a European setting.

A 5-minute retrospective of the work of Galatee is at .


Quiet Ocean plan published

The Science Plan of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) has been published and is available in pdf (see and printed formats.   Thanks to Peter Tyack, George Frist, Ed Urban, Sophie Seeyave and others who contributed to this excellent document, now endorsed by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO).

We are also pleased to note the debut of the IQOE Web site (see

Project sponsors are working to form a Steering Committee for the IQOE and to raise support for its activities.  Until funding is raised for an international project office, the project sponsors (SCOR and POGO) will provide administrative support for the project.  RU’s Program for the Human Environment is helping out as part of its Marine Research and Policy Initiative with Monmouth University, initiated by Jesse Ausubel and Vice Admiral Paul Gaffney II, USN (Ret.) .