U Adelaide, CBOL to host IBOL 4 (abstracts by 15 may!)

From the conference website:  www.dnabarcodes2011.org:

The Consortium for the Barcode of Life and the University of Adelaide invite you to join us in Adelaide, Australia from 28 November – 3 December 2011 for the Fourth International Barcode of Life Conference. Barcoding has seen extraordinary growth since the Mexico City Conference in November 2009 so join participants from around the world for the biggest barcoding event ever!

The organizers have developed this website to provide potential participants, co-sponsors, and other stakeholders with information about the conference. The conference organizers are also eager to have your feedback as we plan the conference so please share your ideas through Connect, the DNA Barcoding network. You can do this by using the links found throughout this website.

Important Dates

  • Preliminary agenda available: 1 April
  • Online abstract submission system opens: 1 April
  • Sponsorship opportunities open: 1 April
  • Travel bursary applications open: 15 April
  • Online registration and hotel reservation site opens: 1 May
  • Deadline for submission of Abstracts: 15 May
  • Deadline travel bursary applications: 19 May
  • Agenda with speakers available: 1 August

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