4th Int’l Barcode of Life Conference

For the 4th International Barcode of Life conference beginning 29 November in Adelaide, Australia, Mark Stoeckle led the preparation of the 2011 DNA Barcoding Highlights report while Jesse worked with…

National Cockroach Project

…analyzed using DNA barcoding about 120 of 200 cockroaches collected by colleagues, friends, and family, or mailed in by citizen scientists around the country (including specimens from Australia and Spain)….

4th International Barcode of Life Conference

The 4th International Barcode of Life Conference held in Adelaide, Australia, in December 2011 has now posted the presentations, including Mark Stoeckle on the All Birds Barcoding Initiative. Also posted…

Barcoding Highlights 2013

…page pdf takes a look at notable developments since the 2011 conference in Adelaide, Australia, offers a big picture view of barcoding’s flourishing first decade, and features hot links to…