Reasons to Worry About the Human Environment

JH Ausubel. Journal of the Cosmos Club of Washington D.C 8 (1): 12 1998 Republished in Technology in Society 21:217-231, 1999. 

…I wonder whether the self–mortifying West (or North) will be rich or expansive enough to maintain science. The United States and some of the other European offshoots, Canada and Australia,…

The Environment for Future Business

JH Ausubel. Pollution Prevention Review 8 (1): 39–52 1998 This article has been republished in the journal Environmental Regulation and Permitting 9(2):251-62, 1999.

…hydrocarbon fuels. The trumpets blare that, a population grows from six to 10 billion over coming decades, humans will demand so much of everything that prices will rocket, squabbles over…

Elektron: Electrical Systems in Retrospect and Prospect

JH Ausubel, C Marchetti. Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment 110–134 1997 Also appeared in Daedalus 125(3):139-169, Summer 1996.

…125 (3) (Summer 1996). 16Jesse H. Ausubel, “Energy and Environment: The Light Path,” Energy Systems and Policy 15 (3) (1991): 181-188. 17N. Nakicenovic, L. Bodda, A. Grübler, and P.-V. Gilli,…

The Program for the

The Program for the Human Environment goes online, with a simple web page hosted by an SGI Indy (….

IE Reflections posted

We notice that the 1992 paper “Industrial Ecology: Reflections on a Colloquium” (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA) has been published online: We also have a copy on our server:…

How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

…far, in a free online service ( “There are expectations of 8 to 50 million more species out there that we haven’t identified yet,” Edwards said. Other experts’ estimates of…

The Continental SuperGrid concept

…have aided and abetted is gaining attention. An AP story in USA Today: A Science Daily news item: The final report for the National Energy Supergrid workshop:…

Google Impact supports DNA Barcoding

…Awards <> program to support organizations using technology and innovative approaches to solve some of the world’s toughest challenges. A project at the Smithsonian Institution<> devoted to reducing illegal wildlife…