FISH-BOL now online

The website for the project we helped start to develop DNA barcodes for all fish, appropriately called “FISH-BOL”, is now on-line at….

Big habitat projects flourish

…Nova Scotia, and joined forces to initiate the Barcode of Life initiative, which earned the cover of Canadian Geographic this month. We happily celebrate the anniversaries of these wonderful projects…

First barcode data release paper is published

…of data curation and publication. Hubert N, Hanner R, Holm E, Mandrak NE, Taylor E, et al. (2008) Identifying Canadian Freshwater Fishes through DNA Barcodes. PLoS ONE 3(6): e2490. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002490…

Okeanos Explorer

…Nantucket and the Canadian border, LT Brian Kennedy was gracious enough to give PHE’s Alan Curry a tour of the research vessel, including a look at their newest remotely-operated-vehicle, Deep…

Bar Code of Life

…Barcode of Life – Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding (CCDB) – Census of Marine Life (CoML) – Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) – Fish Barcode of Life (FISHBOL) – FishBase – GenoMicron Blog – International Barcode of Life (iBOL) – Marine Barcode of Life (MARBOL) – Plant DNA Barcoding – Polar…

The Environment for Future Business

JH Ausubel. Pollution Prevention Review 8 (1): 39–52 1998 This article has been republished in the journal Environmental Regulation and Permitting 9(2):251-62, 1999.

…and Canada the highest. Allowing for national differences in the major uses (irrigation, electrical cooling, industry, and public water supply), large opportunities for reductions remain. Like enterprises supplying energy or…

Elektron: Electrical Systems in Retrospect and Prospect

JH Ausubel, C Marchetti. Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment 110–134 1997 Also appeared in Daedalus 125(3):139-169, Summer 1996.

…125 (3) (Summer 1996). 16Jesse H. Ausubel, “Energy and Environment: The Light Path,” Energy Systems and Policy 15 (3) (1991): 181-188. 17N. Nakicenovic, L. Bodda, A. Grübler, and P.-V. Gilli,…