Canadian Nuclear

We post Jesse’s “Nuclear and Renewable Heresies“, delivered as a plenary address to the Canadian Nuclear Association 10 March 2005 in Ottawa….

Restoring the Forests

DG Victor, JH Ausubel. Foreign Affairs 79 (6): 127–144 2000

…place. Studies by forest experts in Finland reveal that by the 1980s, wooded areas were increasing in all major temperate and boreal forests. These mid- and high-latitude forests account for…

“Taxonomy for the twenty-first century” and “DNA barcoding of life”: special theme issues of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society available online

“Taxonomy for the twenty-first century” the 29 April 2004 special theme issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Biological Sciences is available online. Allen Herre recommends this compilation as…

International Conflicts over Environment: Scientist’s Roles and Opportunities

JH Ausubel. Scientific Cooperation, State Conflict: The Role of Scientists in Mitigating International Discord, "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences" 866: 253–258 1998

…fisheries, which contributed to their decline. Canada and Spain came to the brink of serious conflict over the cod on the Grand Banks off Newfoundland in the early 1990s. Widespread…

Some Ways to Lessen Worries about Climate Change [PDF]

JH Ausubel. The Electricity Journal 14 (1): 24–33 2001

…1990); US Department of Transportation, National Transportation Statistics (Washington, DC: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 1999). Online at Figure 4. The maximum size of power plants, US. Each line represents…

Students Use DNA Barcodes to Unmask “Mislabeled” Fish at Grocery Stores, Restaurants

…of Life: Barcode of Life Database: Consortium for the Barcode of Life: Barcoding marine species: FishBol: Barcoding blog: Ten Reasons for Barcoding Life: “Barcode of Life” Scientific American, October 2008:…