Mark Stoeckle mitochondria paper in Human Evolution

…world are no greater than differences between pigeons Europa Press, newswire, Spain La diferencia genética entre humanos, en el promedio de las especies Agencia EFE, Spain Demostrado, no…

Loglet Oil Analysis

An oil analyst makes creative use of Loglet Lab to analyze oil production and the peak oil question:…

Industrial Ecology: A Coming of Age Story

JH Ausubel. Resources 130: 14 1998 Published by Resources for the Future, Washington, DC

…Ausubel summarized the report in an RFF seminar in September 1997. The report is available on the PHE Web site at A list of some of the key WWW sites…

RFF Seminar on Breakthrough decoupling report

…the video box & use slider).  The video begins with Linus Blomqvist’s introduction of the report and ends with Q&A involving Linus, Jesse, and Tom Lovejoy.      …