PHE MOVES! Our web

PHE MOVES! Our web site has changed from to (we are now hosting our own site on a workstation in our lab). Check out our new book Technological…

Economist article, “Working miracles”

…magazine has an article in the current survey on the environment that draws heavily from our research and our friends at IIASA: “Working miracles: Can technology save the planet?”…

We Welcome Tony Barrett

…Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Chemical Engineering. During his internship with PHE, he will be assembling and analyzing data from various sources to support ongoing research.…

29 June 2004

…Browne’s remarks are notable for accepting a limit or threshold for warming of 2.0 centigrade and for atmospheric concentration of 500-550 parts per million. Mr. Browne’s remarks are at…

2 July 2004

…MS Loran and G. O. Sars, which had completed the first leg of the survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. For the thrilling daily cruise diary of the expedition, visit:…

Big Green Energy Machines

…the Millennium Technology Prize symposium in Finland, is the cover story in the October issue of The Industrial Physicist. We also have a PDF copy on our servers:…

ZEPP’s is SlashDotted

Jesse’s article on Zero Emission Power Plants (ZEPPs) was slashdotted! Original article:…