The Census of Marine Life and the Role of Aquariums

JH Ausubel. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco 20 (1): 67 2001 Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco, no spécial 20, fascicule 1

…you on behalf of the distinguished international Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) that is now planning the program (see for more information). Three main reasons motivate the Census of Marine…

Rhythms of the Universe

…5 short segments posted on YouTube. This segment captures the sound and video quite well: Other segments capture the excellent conversation of Mickey Hart and George Smoot, e.g.,…

Short videos of Galatee’s The Seasons

…Jesse Ausubel served as a science advisor, great 30-second Japanese teaser: And a 1 minute 42 second teaser: And one that shows some of the film’s techniques:…

Sloan Digital Archive

…its collections of the September 11 Digital Archive. For the press release about the accession visit , while the Symposium program and eventually its webcast are at ….

NYC has Maglev research center

…have supported Maglev in many papers, including JH Ausubel, C Marchetti. The evolution of transport (PDF). The Industrial Physicist 7(2): 20-24, 2001 JH Ausubel, C Marchetti, PS Meyer. Toward…